hello. as I catapult myself into the 21st century, I thought i should start a blog of my drawings, sketches, and mental vomit that until now had no place to land. so clear a place on your lap, and look for a steamy pile of stuff to show up shortly. I've decided to take at least one full day a week and dedicate it to MY stuff, not any paying gigs, no work stuff, but a block of time dedicated to my pet projects, I call this day Briday. it moves around the week at will. I like that quality in a day.
As far as content, I am a cartoonist/animator/character designer in Portland, Oregon and fill my days in a number of ways, ( mostly legal ) but lately I've been feeling disconnected to the vast web of other spare bedroom dwelling animators in the world, so I'll try to put up a continuous poo poo platter of characters, ideas, previous sketches, and the like up here and maybe get some feedback and connection to the rest of the world.
hello?....is there anyone out there?
see you soon!